Sunday, June 26, 2011

Finally working!

I am very happy to share with you that I have finally started my bus driver training. It felt like it took ages to go though the required physical and paperwork that was required before I could be a Zoo employee again, but now the work days have finally arrived! On Tuesday of last week I drove the bus for the first time. I'll have to get a picture for a later post so you know just how giant these buses are -- 41' 8'' long, 14' 8'' tall, and about 18,000 pounds when empty. With guests in the 96 seats it weighs significantly more. Today marked my third day of driver training, and while I'm not yet doing any narrating or carrying passengers, I get more comfortable behind the wheel with every circuit of the Zoo.

I had Friday off from work and took advantage of the time to make a visit to SeaWorld with my friend Heather. Our number one priority was visiting the new sea turtle exhibit. I enjoyed seeing the different green and black sea turtles swimming around the large aquarium, and there is an interactive area that kids seem to enjoy. We also saw the new Shamu show, called One World. I wasn't exactly impressed by it, but where else can you see whales jump and splash about? Oh yeah, in the wild. Like years ago when our ferry in the San Juans stopped as a pod swam past us, or when my family watched a pod feed off of Iceberg Point on Lopez Island. I think zoological gardens are great for conservation and education about species, but having seen orcas in the wild, I prefer that experience more.  

Though very small and easily overlooked, one of my favorite animals to check out any time I'm in a zoological facility is the poison dart frog. I have had an affinity for frogs since childhood, and seeing those brightly-colored amphibians always gives me a happy little tingle. Though the light wasn't very good I managed to get a couple of good shots of that one bright yellow frog.

And I have some good news to report! The little hummingbird that I've had my eye on in the Hummingbird Aviary did have one chick when I stopped by to look yesterday. When I first entered the aviary she wasn't sitting on the nest and I was worried something was wrong. My worry grew deeper as I sat there for what seemed like forever before the mother returned to the nest. When she finally did return, she nestled right in and fed the chick. Hopefully there will be more growth in the days to come!

1 comment:

  1. Love your last two posts! The train looks awesome and the frog pictures are stunning! You are a great photographer Lauren!

    ~ Katie
