Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Wouldn't you just know it, once things finally get interesting it's almost time for me to leave. It's taken me a couple of months to get settled in and now that I finally know a few more people, I have to say goodbye to them! Leaving the great people behind is always the hardest part of moving on.

But you know what's awesome? Being young, single, employed, and full of excitement for every day!
My friend Selena came to visit last week and I got out and did the things that I never do by myself--visiting a couple of bars, getting a major sunburn at Coronado, and playing tourist at the zoo.

When September 8 arrives and my car is packed to start the long drive home, I will be sad to go. But I will also be very excited for the adventures that await!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing you Lauren!

    ~ Katie
