Monday, May 21, 2012


You've heard of Chia Pets. I remember a chia cat, and my neighbor having a chia head. There's even a chia Fremont Troll. What you may not know is that the seeds used on those kitschy little decorations are actually a tasty little superfood. I had cooked a little with chia seeds in the past, but when I came across a number of recipes for "Chia Pudding" I was intrigued. There was chocolate involved, so I thought it would be worth a shot. If my late night snack has to include chocolate (yes, it usually does), then perhaps I could make it just a little bit healthier than a bowl of ice cream.

So I gave "Chia Pudding" a shot. I wasn't that impressed by it, but I won't stop trying!
The basic recipe I used was:
3/4 cup almond milk (this may be part of the problem. I buy unsweetened almond milk, which is just not as creamy or flavorful as you need if you're trying to make this dessert-like.)
1/4 cup chia seeds
2 Tbl honey
2 tsp cocoa powder

Begin by mixing the milk and chia seeds, then add the cocoa and honey. It's that simple. Let the whole thing sit for half an hour so that the chia seeds can gel, and then dig in.

I found that the leftovers I put in the fridge and then ate 24 hours after mixing were tastier--the whole thing had more time to gel and for the flavors to solidify in a way. I also tossed in a few mini chocolate chips for some added texture. Foods that don't require much chewing don't usually go over very well with me. (Hence the reason I typically avoid soups...)
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1 comment:

  1. I haven't been on your blog in a while! Awesome recipe posts. You should try one of the Oh She Glows chia pudding recipes next time and let me know how it turns out!
